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Mercury Fast Food Insurance Commercial

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Advertising, Research Last Updated: 03/01/2012

Would you like fries and a new insurance policy with that burger?


Commercial opens with a young man sitting in a kitchen with a fast food meal (fries, burger and soda) in front of him.

Young Man: My Mercury moment happened when I was in the drive through.

Screen changes the same young man in his vehicle at the drive through of a restaurant where an employee is handing him a bag of food.

Young Man: Hey, can I get some……

Young man’s car is hit from behind by a red car. Young man’s car is pushed forward and into a stand with a giant fake burger on it. The burger falls off the stand and lands on the young man’s car.

Young Man: Just got my double, bacon cheeseburger, when this guy plows into me.

Screen switches back to young man in kitchen.

Young Man: Turns out he was insured by Mercury.

Screen back to drive through and man from red car is giving young man a card.

Young Man: Also turns out Mercury took better care of me than my own insurance company. So I switched; saved a few hundred bucks.

Screen back to kitchen and then back to drive through.

Young Man: (talking to employee in drive through) Uh, I have a giant burger on my car.

Screen back to kitchen.

Young Man: Next time I’m ordering at the counter.

Screen changes to the Mercury Logo, contact information, average savings for California drivers and also legal information on the bottom.

Announcer: Call 888-4-Mercury or visit to get a fast, free quote and start saving today.

Point of the Commercial

This is a good one because I read this same exact type story time after time in our insurance company reviews. Where one of you have an accident and the other person’s insurance company treats you better than your own, so you make the switch.

Your stories and the point that Mercury is making are powerful. We buy insurance so that it is there to take care of us when we have an accident. Mercury is advertising that they will be there to take care of you during an accident, even if you are not insured with them (and their client is at fault).

What They Want you to Do

They want you to make the switch from your own insurance company or at least get a quote. As far as contact methods they prefer the telephone and then for you to visit them online. Their order of importance for contact says something about them as well. They would rather you call and talk to them so they can help you instead of you getting an impersonal quote online.

Of course, it could also mean they want you to be subjected to the influence of a sales person as well.

My Opinion

I like this commercial. There is a little bit of humor to make you remember it and also drives home the point of Mercury being the better insurance company. Overall, it stays on task of the point it is getting across.

Giving this Mercury Insurance commercial a thumbs up.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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