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6 Steps For After a Car Accident

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/15/2015

car accident

Get that car accident reported as soon as possible.

Better to have a plan, than hope for the best after a car accident.

If you drive a car, you are most likely going to be in a car accident at one point or another. This isn’t to say that you are going to cause a car accident at some point in your life, only that you will be an involved party.

So when the time comes that you are in a car accident, keep these 6 steps in mind to make the initial stages of the claims process with your insurance company go as smooth as possible.

Car Accident Step 1: Call the Police

Before you even get out of the car to talk to the other person call 911 and report the accident, especially if the accident is not your fault. It is best to do it before talking to the other person so that they can’t talk you out of getting the police involved.

If there are any injuries this will also get help there faster than if you waited.

Car Accident Step 2: Get Information

Write down the license plate number, the make of the vehicle, and the model of the vehicle of the other person first. After you get that information, then talk to the other person for their name, number, and insurance company information.

You want to get the license plate first, just in case the other person decides to leave the scene of the accident.

Car Accident Step 3: Keep Quiet

Never ever admit that you were at fault for an accident to the other person or the police at the scene.

Car Accident Step 4: Make Detailed Notes

Write down everything you remember from the car accident as soon as you can.  This includes the time, the weather conditions, anything in the road, what you did, and what you saw.

Car Accident Step 5: Police Information

When the police take your statement, don’t forget to get their information also. You are going to want the name and badge number of the police officer, as well as how you can get a copy of the police report.

Car Accident Step 6: Call Your Insurance Company

If at all possible call your insurance company from the scene of the accident. Getting it done and out of the way will get your claim on track to be processed faster. It is also best to give your claim statement while the accident is still fresh in your mind and hasn’t had a chance to fade in your memory yet.

Most car insurance companies have claims departments that are open 24 hours a day so you should be able to get a hold of them to file your claim, regardless of when your accident happens.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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