(This was a comment that was posted to a bad review for an insurance company. It was significant enough that we felt it deserved it’s own post.”
Comment: If you had good insurance, your insurance provider would pay you and then go after the other provider. You cant control the other guy but you can get a good policy. Sounds like your insurance is trying to play the blame game. Get a better provider.
Our Response: First, it depends on what you are expecting your insurance company to pay for you. If you have damages to your vehicle but you failed to purchase comprehensive and collision coverage, your insurance company is under no legal obligation to pay for those damages. You didn’t purchase their product, why would they have to pay out a claim for you?
If you did purchase collision coverage and were in an accident, then yes, your insurance company would pay out for the damages and then “subrogate” (go after) the other person’s insurance company to get their money back. However, you will still have to pay for your deductible. Not fair? Maybe not, but that’s what you agreed to when you signed your insurance contract.
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