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Why Lubbock Car Insurance Is Just as Important as Gas

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 03/20/2014

Gas keeps your car running and so does Lubbock car insurance.

Lubbock car insurance

Getting into a car accident without Lubbock car insurance is kind of like being financially run over by one of these.

Imagine a life without Lubbock car insurance. You would have fewer bills to pay each month, you wouldn’t get upset every 6 months when your Lubbock car insurance rates increased, and you wouldn’t have to keep track of that small card proving that you have car insurance.

Life would be good, right?

Well, at least until you got into a car accident.

So What, So I Got In a Car Accident

Have you ever really sat down and thought about what happens financially when you get in a car accident?

If you are in a car accident alone there is no one else to pay for the damages to your car. You are responsible for paying for all the car repairs, tow charges, and rental car fees. If things go really bad and you total your car, you now have to come up with the money to get a new car.

Still owed money on the car you just wrecked? Congratulations, now you have two car payments.

Now, take all that trouble from above and times it by two or more if you cause a wreck that involves other people. But, this time you get to add in medical bills and attorney fees.

Most of the above issues would be paid for by your Lubbock car insurance policy (depending on your coverage). So just like life is easier when you don’t let your run out of gas, life is much simpler when you have a Lubbock car insurance company taking care of all the problems that come with a car accident.

Other Legal Issues

Aside from protecting you from financial ruin, the State of Texas requires that Lubbock car insurance is to be carried by all drivers in the state.

Lubbock drivers are required to carry $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for each injured person (up to a total of $60,000 per accident), and $25,000 for property damage liability coverage per accident.

If you don’t have above at least the above coverage, you can add possibly losing your driving privileges and fines to your other accident related costs.

When you are purchasing Lubbock car insurance, keep in mind that these requirement are more for protecting other drivers from you, rather than protecting your property. So it is important that you talk to your Lubbock car insurance agent about how much coverage you need to be fully protected in the event of an accident.


Back to Basics and Durham Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 03/09/2014

Forgetting a traffic law is easy; just make sure that it’s not the law about Durham car insurance.

durham car insurance

Sometimes it is good to go back to the basics, like the requirements on your Durham car insurance.

The laws that establish Durham car insurance should be common knowledge to all drivers by now. But, there are always a few drivers out there that are lacking in common knowledge, so here is a refresher course.

Just to be Clear……..

Just to be clear, everyone has to obey the traffic laws in Durham, North Carolina. They even specifically point that out in their city ordinances, just in case you were trying to find a way around them:

Sec. 66-5. Same—Public employees.

“The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by, or used in the service of, the United States government, or this or any other state, county or city. It shall be unlawful for any such driver to violate any of the provisions of this chapter, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter or by state statutes”. (Code 1964, § 12-6; Code 1982, § 20-5)

Sec. 66-6. Same—Persons propelling pushcarts or riding bicycles or animals.

“Every person propelling any pushcart or riding a bicycle or an animal upon a roadway, and every person driving any animal-drawn vehicle shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter applicable to the driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this chapter which by their very nature can have no application”. (Code 1964, § 12-7; Code 1982, § 20-6)

In other words, even if you are riding a horse, you still have to obey the traffic laws. But, no, you don’t have to carry Durham car insurance for your horse, just in case you were wondering.

And if You Forget, Here’s a Refresher

For those of you that need a Driver’s Ed refresher, here is one compliments of the City of Durham, North Carolina:

Sec. 66-41. Traffic-control signal legend.

“Whenever traffic is controlled by official traffic-control devices exhibiting the words “go,” “caution” or “stop,” or exhibiting different colored lights successively one at a time, the following colors only shall be used, and said terms and lights shall indicate as follows:

(1)Green alone or “go”:

a. Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits either such turn. But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection at the time such signal is exhibited.

(2) Yellow alone or “caution” when shown following the green or “go” signal:

a. Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.

(3) Red alone or “stop”:

a. Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or “go” is shown alone, or may turn right as authorized by statute.

(4) Green straight-through arrow (alone):

a. Vehicles facing such signal may proceed straight through, but shall not turn right or left. Such vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians legally within the intersection at the time such signal is exhibited.

(5) Green turn arrow (alone):

a. Vehicles facing such signal may proceed through the intersection making only the turn so indicated by the arrow over the respective lane. Such vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians lawfully within the intersection at the time such signal is exhibited”. (Code 1964, § 12-13; Code 1982, § 20-22)

And Finally….

Per the State of North Carolina make sure that you are carrying at least 30/60/25 in liability coverage for your Durham car insurance.

Keep Your Madison Car Insurance from Getting Snowballed

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 03/03/2014

It is a good idea to have additional Madison car insurance coverage during dangerous winter driving.

madison car insurance

When the roads turn to this in the winter, you will be better protected if you have more than the minimum Madison car insurance.

We all know that you have to have Madison car insurance if you want to drive in Wisconsin. But, the minimum amount of car insurance that the state requires may not be enough to really protect you if you were to become a victim of winter roads.

Why Should We Be Concerned About My Winter Madison Car Insurance?

In the winter you never know what is going to happen out on the road. The slick snow and ice remove all traction that would normally keep you and everyone else from car accidents, and winter weather events tend to decrease your ability to be able to see while you are driving. These less than ideal conditions mean that even those that drive safely, like you, still have a good chance of getting in a car accident through no fault of your own.

In other words, your safe driving skills may not be enough to protect you from getting into an accident in the winter. And if you are keeping your insurance coverage to minimums only based on your “safe driving” ability, you may regret it during the winter.

What is the Minimum Amount of Madison Car Insurance?

The State of Wisconsin requires that you carry no less than the following Madison car insurance coverage:

  • $25,000 for the injury or death of one person
  • $50,000 for the injury or death of more than one person
  • $10,000 for property damage

Why is the Above Madison Car Insurance Not Enough?

If you look closely at the minimum insurance that the State of Wisconsin requires, you will notice that there is no coverage for you or your vehicle. So if you hit a patch of black ice and slide into a tree, you will have to pay for all of your injuries and damages to your vehicle out of your own pocket.

Say you hit that same patch of black ice, but instead of sliding into a tree you slide into another car. You only have $10,000 in coverage to pay for the damages to that other car. If you happen to total the other person’s car, you will have to pay for what remains after your insurance company pays the initial $10,000.

No amount of safe driving can protect you in every winter driving scenario, so talk to your Madison car insurance agent today about the coverage that will protect you from winter driving.

Having Laredo Car Insurance Should be Common Sense

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/16/2014

Laredo car insurance requirements have been around long enough that drivers have no excuse not to know they need it.

laredo car insurance

Laredo car insurance laws may be kept in hard to understand law books, but the concept should be common sense to all.

Don’t drive over the speed limit, stop at the stop sign, and purchase a Laredo car insurance policy before you drive are all Texas laws that should be common sense to all drivers by now. Unfortunately, even when you think something should be common sense to all, you find that some people are lacking in that area.

This would explain some of the traffic laws that can be found on the law books today.

Common Sense Laredo Car Laws

With these two laws as an example, sometimes it is just better to write is down rather than have to entertain an argument that someone didn’t use their common sense because what they did wasn’t “officially” against the law. It kind of makes you feel like you are back in elementary school again.

Following Too Close – “The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when following another vehicle, maintain an assured clear distance between the two (2) vehicles, exercising due regard for the speed of such vehicles, traffic upon and conditions of the street or highway so that such motor vehicle can be safely brought to a stop without colliding with the preceding vehicle, or veering into other vehicles, objects or persons on or near the street or highway.”

Cutting in Line – “When traffic is traveling in parallel lanes, no driver or operator of any motor vehicle or any other vehicle shall cut from one lane of traffic to another so as to unreasonably interfere with the right-of-way of any other vehicle, except in an emergency.”

Why Did This Have To Be Written Down?

Then there are those laws that make you scratch your head as to why they had to be “officially” made into a traffic law. You really want to give humanity the benefit of the doubt, but some days it can be so hard to do so.

How To Pass Oncoming Cars – “Drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the right and upon the roadways having width for not more than one line of traffic in each direction. Each driver shall give to the other at least one-half of the main-traveled portion of the roadway as nearly as possible.”

How to Open Your Car Door – “No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.”

Don’t Forget Laredo Car Insurance

Another common sense law in Texas that many people claim ignorance about is having to have Laredo car insurance. There are no “if”, “ands”, or “buts” about it, you have to have Laredo car insurance if you want to drive. And this law has been around for long enough, that there is little mercy given if you fail to follow it.

If you don’t carry an insurance policy that has at least $30,000 for each injured person (up to a total of $60,000 per accident), and $25,000 for property damage per accident, you can expect to pay fees and possibly lose your driving privileges. So just use your common sense and purchase a Laredo car insurance policy to keep yourself out of trouble.

(all quoted laws are from the City of Laredo municipal code)

Keep Your Chandler Car Insurance Manageable

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 02/16/2014

Following traffic laws is the best way to keep your Chandler car insurance rates down.

chandler car insurance

Don’t let this happen to you Chandler car insurance premium in 2014.

Did you know that you have more control over your Chandler car insurance premiums than you think?

There are some rating factors that you can’t control, like your age and your gender. But, there are also a lot of things that you can control. The controllable rating factors include:

  • Traffic citations
  • Car accident involvement
  • Keeping your current car insurance active
  • Type of vehicle you drive

If you don’t want your car insurance to dictate what type of vehicle you drive, you can concentrate on just the first three on the list and still find your Chandler car insurance rates manageable.

Avoiding Citations and Accidents

The easiest way to avoid getting a traffic citation or into a car accident, is to drive safely and obey traffic laws. Driving safely includes driving defensively with the expectation that the other drivers are not paying attention to you, giving reckless drivers plenty of room, and paying attention to the road and not your cellphone.

With how many traffic laws are on the books today, it would be impossible to list them all here to advise you how to avoid all traffic citations. It is up to you to know what the traffic laws are for Arizona and the City of Chandler. As a rule of thumb though, keep it under the speed limit and don’t run red lights at the following intersections:

  • 56th Street and Chandler Boulevard
  • Rural Road and Ray Road
  • Dobson Road and Warner Road
  • Alma School Road and Warner Road
  • Alma School Road Ray Road
  • Alma School Road and Queen Creek Road
  • Arizona Avenue and Elliot Road
  • Arizona Avenue and Warner Road
  • Arizona Avenue and Ray Road
  • Arizona Avenue and Ocotillo Road
  • McQueen Road and Chandler Boulevard
  • Gilbert Road and Riggs Road

(List of camera intersections from the City of Chandler, Arizona website)

Actually, don’t run the red light at any intersection, but the above ones are the intersection with the cameras.

Can I Just Not Get Chandler Car Insurance?

No, the State of Arizona has made Chandler car insurance a requirement of driving. You cannot have your car registered or on the road if you don’t have car insurance on that particular vehicle.

Not only do you have to have Chandler car insurance on your vehicle, but you also have to have a minimum amount of Chandler car insurance. These minimums are set by the State of Arizona and are the same for all drivers in the entire state:

  • $15,000 bodily-injury liability for one person and $30,000 for two or more people
  • $10,000 property-damage liability

If you fail to keep insurance on your vehicle, you will have your driver’s license and vehicle registration suspended. To reinstate either of these you will have to pay the reinstatement fees.

You also will be required to carry SR22 on your car insurance, which will raise your insurance rates for 3 years after you have received your suspension for not having Chandler car insurance.

So keep it insured and drive it safe, to keep your Chandler car insurance premiums manageable.

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