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Go For More Than Required Corpus Christi Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/08/2013

The minimum amount of Corpus Christi car insurance required may not be enough to protect you.

chorpus christi car insurance

Believing that a car accident will never happen to you is not a reason to only carry the minimum Corpus Christi car insurance.

Many drivers on the road go with just the minimum amount of Corpus Christi car insurance that is required by Texas law. They may do this because they don’t like being forced to purchase car insurance by the government, but most do it because they are trying to pay as little as possible for car insurance and still be able to drive.

Unfortunately, the minimum required coverage for Corpus Christi car insurance is more for the protection of the person you hit. It does nothing for your own vehicle damages and injuries.

What Are the Minimums for Corpus Christi Car Insurance?

The minimum amount of car insurance that the State of Texas requires for Corpus Christi car insurance is 30/60/25. Broken down this means:

  • 30 = $30,000 is the minimum amount coverage that you have to carry to pay for the medical expenses for one person in an accident that you cause.
  • 60 = $60,000 is the minimum amount of coverage that you have to carry to pay for the all of medical expenses per accident.
  • 25 = $25,000 is the minimum amount of coverage that has to be carried to pay for the damage you cause to property that you do not own.

What Should I Carry?

The required Corpus Christi car insurance is all liability coverage, so it only pays for the expenses and damage that you cause to another person. To protect your own vehicle, you need to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. There is no limit on these two coverages as you are paying for all of your damages to be taken care of. You will have to choose a deductible for your coverage though, which is the amount of money that you will have to pay first before the insurance company will pay for any of the damage.

For your Corpus Christi car insurance company to pay for any of your medical expenses from an accident you have to add personal injury protection coverage or medical payments coverage. These two coverages will spare you from having to pay for these types of expenses out of your own pocket.

Why in the World Do I Need That Much Extra Corpus Christi Car Insurance?

If you go with just the required Corpus Christi car insurance you will end up having to pay for the damages to your car and your medical expenses out of your own pocket. And if you don’t think a car accident will ever happen to you, just take a look at these Corpus Christi car accident statistics from 2012:

  • 7.758 total accidents that year alone
  • Someone died in 26 of these 7,758 car accidents
  • 2,527 car accidents resulted in an injury
  • 27 people died in a car accident in 2012
(Statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation)

So if you don’t think that a car accident will happen to you, I bet that the drivers of most of those 7, 758 car accidents thought the same thing. Don’t let a car accident ruin you financially because you only wanted to carry the minimum required insurance coverage. Make sure that your Corpus Christi car insurance policy has enough coverage to protect not only the person you accidentally hit, but you as well.

Selective Riverside Car Insurance and Traffic Laws

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/06/2013

Riverside car insurance laws may apply to all drivers, but not to everyone that is subject to traffic laws.

riverside car insurance

No, you don’t need to purchase Riverside car insurance for your child’s push car.

If you want to drive a car in Riverside, California, you have to carry car insurance. It also means that you have to follow the traffic laws that were created for Riverside.

But, Riverside traffic laws don’t apply just to vehicle drivers, they actually apply to a wider range of propelled vehicles.

Who Has to Obey Riverside Traffic Laws?

Normally traffic laws are made for those that drive some sort of motorized vehicle or even bicycles. Per the Riverside Municipal Code, though:

“Every person riding a bicycle, propelling any pushcart, or riding or driving an animal upon a roadway, shall be subject to the provisions of this title applicable to the driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this title which by their very nature can have no application.”

Basically, anything that moves a human forward other than their own two feet is subject to the traffic laws in Riverside, California.

Who Has to Obey Riverside Car Insurance Laws?

The car insurance laws for Riverside are created by the State of California, and only pertain to motorized vehicles. So just because you have to obey the traffic laws in Riverside when you are riding on your pushcart, it doesn’t mean that you have to have insurance on your pushcart.

This is great, because I just hate trying to find affordable coverage for when I ride my horse around town.

If I Drive a Vehicle What Insurance Do I Have to Carry?

If you happen to be driving your vehicle around town, instead of your yak, make sure that you are carrying at least the minimum required Riverside car insurance. The minimum insurance required is $5,000 property damage liability coverage, $15,000 bodily injury liability coverage for one person, and $30,000 bodily injury liability coverage for multiple injuries.

Since the State of California is who sets the requirements for Riverside car insurance, they are also the ones that make sure that you follow the law. Just like police officers in Riverside enforce traffic laws when they see any type of transportation breaking the law, the State of California enforces car insurance laws by tracking vehicles to make sure that they have car insurance on them.

In both cases, if you break Riverside traffic laws or Riverside car insurance laws you will face penalties and fines.

Keeping the Cost of Your St. Louis Car Insurance Down

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/06/2013

The cost of St. Louis car insurance is bad enough; don’t give them a reason to raise it.

St. louis car insurance

Avoid elevating your St. Louis car insurance by following the law.

You already hate the amount of money you have to pay each month for your St. Louis car insurance and the reasons for this vary. For some of you it’s because you are already struggling to make ends meet, some of you just find it a huge inconvenience, and others of you don’t like being told that you have to purchase it.

So don’t make it even worse by doing something stupid while you are driving, and causing the premium to be raised.

As Low As You Can Go With St. Louis Car Insurance

If you are looking to keep your St. Louis car insurance as low as you can, go with the minimum coverages allowed by law. Since car insurance for St. Louis is controlled by the State of Missouri, the minimum you are looking for are the state minimums.

For Missouri, you need to have at least the following coverages to be able to drive:

  • $10,000 in coverage for damage you do to another person’s property
  • $25,000 in coverage for medical expenses for one person that was injured
  • $50,000 in coverage for medical expenses total if there are multiple injuries.

You can’t get any lower than these coverages and still be able to legally drive. These coverages may not be enough to cover all the damage that can be done in an accident though, so keep that in mind.

Keeping Your St. Louis Car Insurance Low

To keep your St. Louis car insurance premiums down low, there are a couple of things that you can do.

First, shop around for car insurance. Sometimes loyalty pays off, but not often enough, and if you only care about price then you need to go with the lowest car insurance premium. Car insurance coverage is pretty much the same from one company to another, the only difference is the customer service.

The best times to shop around are when you have a new car, add a new driver to your ranks, whenever you have a policy rate increase, and randomly every year or two.

Second, drive like a sane person. St. Louis is like any other city with a ton of traffic laws on the books, and breaking one of them not only leads to a ticket, but also leads to an increase in your car insurance.

So if you want to keep your St. Louis car insurance premium at least where it currently is, don’t drive like you want the premium increase.

Why You Need Your Santa Ana Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 10/06/2013

Your Santa Ana car insurance is a better investment than you think.

santa ana car insurance

Even if was not required, Santa Ana car insurance is an investment worth making.

Whether you realize it or not, Santa Ana car insurance is actually an investment that you make for your safety. Like any other investment, you never know if you will end up getting to cash out a profit, or in the case of insurance you never know when you will have to cash in on the protection it offers.

The only difference is that Santa Ana car insurance is required, while making an investment in a company is not.

The Required Part of Santa Ana Car Insurance

Just about every state in America requires that their drivers carry car insurance. So it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that if you drive in California you will be required to have insurance coverage.

California even tracks the insurance coverage of each registered vehicle in the state. So if you drop your insurance coverage, they will know about it.

In addition to being required to have insurance at all, California has done you the favor to tell you specifically what coverages you need to have. You need to invest in 3 liability coverages, which broken down is 2 bodily injury liability coverages and 1 property damage liability coverage.

The bodily injury liability coverages need to have limits of $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident. The property damage liability coverage on the other hand, only has to have $5,000 in coverage.

How Santa Ana Car Insurance is an Investment

You invest in a company in an attempt to make money. If the company does well you make more money, if it does bad you lose your money.

With your Santa Ana car insurance, you invest in the coverage in an attempt to save money. If you get into a car accident your investment will pay for your damages and the damages you cause to others, if you don’t make this investment then you lose money by having to payout for damages from a car accident.

Why You Need to Invest in Santa Ana Car Insurance

Santa Ana is the second most dangerous city to drive in for Orange County. Per the California Highway Patrol, in 2010 there were 1,461 car accidents in Santa Ana that involved an injury. Of these 1,461 accidents, 10 of them had a fatality. That same year there were only 100 fatalities total for all of Orange County, meaning that Santa Ana accounted for 10% of the car accident fatalities for the county.

Santa Ana did make the top of the list for the most pedestrians (134) and bicyclists (151) involved in a car accident, though.

With such high car accident numbers for the city, your chance of getting into a car accident is higher here than anywhere else in the county (except Anaheim). To protect your finances in the event that you end up as one of these statistics, you need to invest in Santa Ana car insurance.

Aurora Car Insurance and Winter Driving

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 09/20/2013

Don’t Let the Winter Ice Make Your Aurora Car Insurance Slip Higher

Aurora Car Insurance

Don’t let the winter ice be the reason you have to pay more for your Aurora car insurance.

Winter is not a very friendly to Aurora car insurance with all the ice and snow on the ground that makes us slide around. All of this slipping and sliding leads right into car accidents, traffic tickets, and higher Aurora car insurance premiums for drivers by the time winter finally leaves.

In fact, if you listen closely you can almost hear winter snickering as it makes its exit when spring finally arrives.

Winter Damage to Your Aurora Car Insurance

Car accidents and traffic tickets are the two biggest snowballs that winter likes to throw at Aurora drivers. Car accidents we will cover in a little more detail down below, but for now let’s talk traffic tickets.

Traffic tickets in winter are usually in the form of “traveling too fast for conditions” or running a red light. Living in a snowy climate myself, I always thought of the “traveling too fast for conditions” ticket as not being fair. I myself have yet to have the honor of earning one of these tickets, but it just feels like this type of ticket is extremely dependent on the opinion of the issuing officer.

Yes, there are some cases when people are being stupid and travel way too fast for the winter road conditions. Those are the ones that you hope get a ticket, so that they will slow down. However, there are just some winter days that no one should be out on the road, and no matter how slow you go it is going to be too fast for conditions. But, I guess that’s why they allow you to contest your traffic ticket in court.

Running a red light in the winter actually falls under the “traveling too fast for conditions”, believe it not. Per the City of Aurora, even if you slid through an intersection during the winter when the light turned red you will still get a traffic ticket if caught by a red light camera. They rationalize that if you had been in full control of your vehicle and had been traveling at a sped that was reasonable for the current road conditions that you would have been able to stop for the red light.

In both of these cases, if you aren’t able to get the judge to drop the ticket it will end up on your record. And a ticket on your record will be cause for an Aurora car insurance premium increase.

Winter is Why Aurora Car Insurance is Required

Winter is not the only reason that Colorado made having Aurora car insurance a requirement if you want to drive, but it is one of them. Without Aurora car insurance being required, every time you slid on the ice and into someone else’s property you would have to pay for it out of pocket. The same goes for if someone else hit you and didn’t voluntarily carry car insurance, you would be stuck paying for the damage out of your own pocket.

To cover icy accidents such as these, you are required to have the following:

  1. Bodily injury liability coverage ($25,000 per person)
  2. Bodily injury liability coverage ($50,000 per accident)
  3. Property damage liability coverage ($15,000 per accident)
  4. Med-pay (required, but can be waived in writing)

These are just the basic coverage that you are required to have to start protecting you from what winter in Aurora can throw at you. Your Aurora car insurance agent can help guide you through the insurance maze and direct you to the true level of coverage you need to be protected from winter’s nasty tricks.

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