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A Wedgie or SafeAuto Insurance?

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question, Research Last Updated: 01/18/2012

After watching this SafeAuto Insurance commercial, you may end up choosing neither.


Commercial opens to whistling music and a guy talking on a cell phone. A woman walks up behind the guy and gives him a wedgie. It is the same guy through the whole commercial and we see him next in a hardware store. A contractor walks up behind him and gives him another wedgie.

Premium Changes You Could See in 2012

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 01/18/2012

The initial 2012 forecast for premium changes in the insurance industry is for premium increases and changes to discounts.

Premium Changes You Could See in 2012

Depending on your state and insurance company your new premium changes may leave you happy or sad.

The world may or may not end this year (I personally am leaning to the may not). Which will really be funny because then the next generation of humans that are still babies right now, are going to have a lot of questions about the movie 2012. One thing that you can be sure about in 2012 though, is that a lot of people are going to be seeing premium changes to their car insurance policies.

These premium changes are going to come in the form the insurance companies increasing premiums for coverage. There are also going to be changes to the discounts that are given on some insurance policies.

Premium Changes from Premium Increases

Oklahoma Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 12/02/2017

Oklahoma is the state of tornadoes, its own musical and license suspensions for no Oklahoma car insurance.

State Regulator Information 800-522-0071
Insurance Premium Avg. Annual Premium: $ 1,476 National Average: $1,318
Mandatory Car Insurance Coverage Bodily Injury Liability:$25k/50k
Property Damage Liability: $25k
Oklahoma Car Insurance

Welcome to Oklahoma! Now, where’s your proof of car insurance?

While researching the information for this article the words from the musical Oklahoma kept running through my head over and over. Sadly, I only know parts of the first sentence of the main theme song by memory, so it got a little annoying after a bit.

I am sure that the residents of Oklahoma have a love/hate relationship with that musical just like they have with their required Oklahoma car insurance. They hate the fact that it is there and are tired of hearing about it, but understand that it ultimately is a good thing.

Comparative Oklahoma Car Insurance

Around the nation, the different states have chosen how they determine who is at fault for an accident. Some states have determined that the driver carrying the majority of the fault for the accident happening is the one that is to pay for the damages.

New 2012 Driving Laws that Can Affect Your Insurance Rates

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 01/18/2012

Even the states get into the New Year’s resolution mood with new 2012 driving laws for you to obey.

2012 driving laws

Keep on top of your state's new 2012 driving laws.

Across the nation new driving laws are put into place every New Year’s Day that can end up affecting your insurance if you don’t abide by them. Just like insurance though, driving laws vary from one state to another. To find out what new 2012 driving laws you may have in your state, contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles.

Here is just a very small sample of some of the laws put in place on January 1st of this year. You may have similar laws already in your state or you may be seeing them soon; depending on how well they work in the states that are putting them into place this year.

New 2012 Laws for Seat Belts

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