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My College Student and my Car Insurance Policy

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 08/30/2017

Q: Why won’t my car insurance company let me take my college student off my policy?

A: Your car insurance company is out to protect themselves, always remember that. And a college age student that still drives your vehicle when they come home every now and then is a way for them to deem them a risk and increase your insurance premium.

Does it make sense? No, it doesn’t and here’s why.

A college student is away from home living under a different roof and usually doesn’t have access to the vehicles back at home. They are also an adult. Any other adult or family member that meets this description would never have to be added to your policy. But because they are a college student that used to live in your household and there is the remotest possibility of them driving your vehicles again, the insurance company is going to make sure they get a higher premium from you.

Can you do anything about this? Yes, you can.

First, tell the insurance company that you no longer claim your college student on your taxes (if this is true and it usually is) and that they do not have one of your vehicles with them at school. If the insurance company requires proof they no longer live with you, then give them the new address.

If they still do not let you remove your college student that is an adult and no longer living in your household, it may be time to find another insurance company.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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