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Don’t Let Columbus Car Insurance Fool You

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Ask An Insurance Question Last Updated: 09/06/2014

Minimum Columbus car insurance doesn’t do enough to really protect you.

columbus car insurance

Make sure you have enough Columbus car insurance to bridge the gap between an accident and the insurance company paying all the expenses.

The State of Ohio created car insurance laws to protect the drivers in their state. The most prominent car insurance laws are the ones that require all registered vehicle owners to purchase a minimum amount of Columbus car insurance. Unfortunately, these minimum Columbus car insurance requirements aren’t really enough to fully protect drivers.

Columbus Car Insurance

To be able to drive in Ohio, you have to have the following minimum Columbus car insurance:

  • $25,000 of bodily injury coverage to pay for the injuries you cause to one person
  • $50,000 of bodily injury coverage to pay for all of the medical expenses for two or more injured people in a car accident that you cause
  • $25,000 for property damage that you cause with your vehicle

Not Enough for Bad Injuries

While the required $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage is good enough to cover minor or medium injuries from a car accident that is your fault, it is not enough. Major injuries or even fatalities from car accidents may not be as common as less serious injuries, however they still do happen.

What if you are the one that caused one of these few fatalities or serious injuries? That $25,000 is nowhere near enough to cover an extended hospital stay, physical therapy, and medication. And if you kill someone, you have all the costs associated with not only the medical care before the death, but also funeral expenses and more.

Going to Court

After you injure someone in a car accident and they have completed their medical treatment, a pain and suffering settlement is usually offered. If this settlement is accepted then the insurance company pays the claimant and the claim is closed. However, if you have already exhausted all of the minimum required liability coverage on your Columbus car insurance, there will be nothing left for a settlement.

This means that the insurance company won’t offer one, and more than likely you will end up in court. Also, if a person dies because of a car accident that you cause, you can almost be sure that the deceased’s family members will take you to court for a wrongful death lawsuit.

In both cases the court and attorney expenses are usually covered by your insurance policy, unless your $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage has already been used up for the other expenses that usually happen prior to a car accident situation ended up in court. Which means you will have to pay any settlement, court fees, and attorney fees that the court approves in their judgment out of your own pocket.

This is why you need to talk to your Columbus car insurance agent about the amount of coverage you really need to be protected if you cause a car accident.

Steps For After a Car Accident

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 09/06/2014

Essential steps to take after a car accident.

The minutes that follow a car accident are confusing and stressful. It can be hard to remember the important things that you need to do when you are worried about injuries and are emotional that the situation even happened.

To help drivers after an accident, Allstate put together an awesome infographic giving them a list they can follow without having to try and remember what to do. We would recommend printing this out and putting it in your glove box, or saving it on your phone, so that you have it in your vehicle. just in case you need it.


Coming Up Short With Fontana Car Insurance

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 09/06/2014

The state mandated Fontana car insurance requirements fall short on protection.

Fontana car insurance

More money will be leaving your pocket, unless you have the right amount of Fontana car insurance to protect you.

The basic coverages that are required by the State of California for Fontana car insurance fall short of being adequate protection. The only thing that these required Fontana car insurance coverages protect, is other people that you may cause damage to in a car accident. Even then, these coverages are so minimal that you are still more than likely going to end up having to pay for much of the damage out of your own pocket.

Fontana Car Insurance Requirements

The State of California makes it so that insurance requirements are the same for all drivers that have vehicles registered in the state. This means that Fontana car insurance coverage requirements are the same coverages that are required from Yreka to San Diego. These requirements include:

  1. $5,000 in liability property damage coverage
  2. $15,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person
  3. $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for the entire accident if multiple people are injured.

The Need for Additional Fontana Car Insurance

The Fontana car insurance requirements above don’t come anywhere near the amount of insurance that you actually need if you were to get into a car accident. First, if your own car is damaged in an accident the required Fontana car insurance requirements do not cover your vehicle. This is because the coverage that you are required to have is called liability coverage and it only covers the damage that you do to another person’s vehicle.

Second, the limits for the minimal required coverages are nowhere near what it costs to replace or repair a vehicle or pay for the expenses incurred from an injury.

As an example, the minimum in liability coverage that you have to have to Fontana car insurance is only $5,000. If you total another person’s vehicle you will have to pay for the cash value of their vehicle. How many cars on the road today are worth $5,000 or less?

Total an expensive $40,000 vehicle and you only have $5,000 in coverage? You will be responsible for paying the remaining $35,000 out of your own pocket.

So do yourself a favor and contact your Fontana car insurance agent about purchasing more than the minimum amount of coverage that the State of California requires.

Tacoma Car Insurance and Other No’s

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 08/23/2014

No driving without Tacoma car insurance is just one of the many no’s that drivers must know.

tacoma car insurance

No Tacoma car insurance = No driving

Traffic laws are meant to keep us safe, just like our parents did when we were kids. And when we did something we weren’t supposed that could put us in danger we were told no.

Even though we are adults now, things haven’t changed much. We still get told no that we can’t do things, especially behind the wheel of our vehicles that could put us in danger. Here are just a small number of the things in Tacoma drivers get told “no” they can’t do.

No Cruising

Tacoma seems to have cracked down on cruising, for the sake of citizen and traffic safety. Per the City of Tacoma municipal code:

  • You are not allowed to drive past a traffic control point in a no-cruising area more than twice within a two-hour period.
  • If you are caught cruising, and are not an emergency vehicle, taxicab, bus or other business vehicle, you will receive a traffic fine of up to $500 for the first time and up to $700 for any time following that.

No Avoiding The Cops

Think that you can get away with breaking a traffic law just because there is no police officer around? Think again.

The City of Tacoma has automated traffic safety cameras installed all over to detect when a traffic violation is occurring.  These cameras can capture:

  • Railroad crossing violations
  • School speed zone violations
  • Speed zone violations
  • Stop light infractions

When you are captured on camera breaking a traffic law, you will be sent a ticket in the mail within 14 days.

No Driving Without Tacoma Car Insurance

While the above traffic laws and procedures are city level issues, Tacoma car insurance laws are actually state level. The State of Washington is who makes all of the car insurance laws for drivers in the state, which are then enforced by law enforcement on all levels, including City of Tacoma police officers.

To prevent yourself from getting in trouble with any of these law enforcement agencies, always make sure that you are carrying at least the minimum required amount of Tacoma car insurance. If you aren’t sure what those minimum requirements are, we have provided the basics for you:

  1. $25,000 for injuries or death to another person
  2. $50,000 for injuries or death to all other people
  3. $10,000 for damage to another person’s property

For more information on the required coverages you need to have to drive and the coverages you need to be fully protected, contact your Tacoma car insurance agent today.

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Car Insurance Guidebook Unravels the Car Insurance Mystery

Unless you work in the car insurance industry, the topic is probably a mystery to you. The words deductible, comprehensive, collision, liability, premium, loss of use and bodily injury are all gibberish when they reach your ears.

Unfortunately, insurance is something that you are required to have by law if you want to drive. Because of how confusing it is many people go around in almost an insurance daze while they get car insurance quotes from the auto insurance companies that they have heard of. In reality, they are completely lost as to what they are actually buying.

Instead of looking at what each insurance company offers in the terms of protection for both themselves and their car, they are instead looking for cheap car insurance. Finding the cheapest car insurance coverage makes having to buy the required product all that much less painful, but misses the whole point of having insurance.

Learning about insurance through your insurance agent or websites like Car Insurance Guidebook will give you the upper hand when you looking for car insurance. You can take your knowledge and not only find the best price for insurance, you can use it to find really great insurance to protect you and your assets. Then you aren’t stuck settling for just average car insurance that can hurt you financially if you ever need it because there isn’t enough protection.

For example, when looking for insurance the car insurance rates are just the first of many factors that need to be taken into account when you are shopping around for car insurance. You also need to take into account the type of vehicle that you are driving. Many people don’t know this.

Are you driving around a vehicle that is a new sedan and can be protected under any blanket insurance policy? Or do you have an old car that you fixed up that needs special protection and could be better covered under classic car insurance?

Don’t just assume that when you compare car insurance that it will be a one-size-fits-all policy. This is where the insurance knowledge will come in handy; you will know what you need to protect yourself and your vehicle.

You will understand what your insurance agent is talking about when they use insurance terms and you will actually be able to make an informed decision. This is much better for you instead of the “nod and smile” approach people take in their insurance agent’s office.

Also just like your life changes your insurance needs will change. This year you may just need to learn about the best deductible to have. Next year you may need to educate yourself on car insurance for young drivers. As the years pass, motorcycle insurance may be something you will need to know.

Many wise people say that you never stop learning, so take their advice and educate yourself on the insurance that you spend a lot of money on and can’t get away with not having.