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2012 Ford Escape Insurance Analysis

Written by Michele Wilmonen. Posted in Research Last Updated: 08/22/2012

With the 2012 Ford Escape, Ford shows us how vehicles can be created similar, but end up different.

2012 Ford Escape

2012 Ford Escape

The 2012 Ford Escape is another crossover SUV model that has become extremely popular with drivers recently. There are 5 different versions of 2012 Escape that include the:

  • XLS
  • XLT
  • Limited
  • Hybrid
  • Hybrid Limited

All 5 versions look fairly similar, but vary in their safety ratings and insurance premiums.

2012 Ford Escape Safety Analysis

The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) has awarded the 2012 Ford Escape with a “good” rating in all but one category. A “good” rating is the highest rating that the IIHS provides to vehicles it has tested.

The 2012 Escape passed the frontal crash test, the side crash test, as well as the rear crash test with this “good” rating. It was the rollover test that the Ford Escape failed. Due to weak roof strength the IIHS only awarded a “marginal”. A “marginal” rating is just one step above the lowest rating the IIHS gives.

For the hybrid version of the 2012 Ford Escape, the IIHS did give it a “poor” rating, the lowest rating they offer.

2012 Ford Escape Insurance Premiums

Two of the five 2012 Ford Escape models have very low insurance premiums compared to most of the vehicles on the market today. The website listed the 2012 Ford Escape XLS as the 8th cheapest vehicle to insure in 2012. The 2012 Ford Escape XLT was listed as the 19th cheapest vehicle in the nation to insure.

The other 3 models, including the two hybrid versions, did not make the list. Interestingly, these two hybrids are the same two that rated poorly in the IIHS rollover safety test.

2012 Ford Escape Vehicle Recalls

At this time, there are no recalls on any of the models for the 2012 Ford Escape.

An emergency recall has been declared for the new 2013 models, however. This recall is due to a component in the fuel line, and Ford has advised that owners of this recall stop driving their 2013 Ford Escape immediately. The issue is so important that Ford is telling owners to contact their local dealer, and they will transport the vehicle to the dealership for them. They do not want customers to drive these models at all until the part is fixed. (

There is also a current recall on 2001-2004 Escapes due to “unintended continued acceleration”. (

Again, even though there are recalls on other Ford Escapes right now, the 2012 Ford Escape is not one of the ones being recalled.

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Michele Wilmonen

Michele's first introduction to insurance was working for a major insurance company as a file clerk and a mailroom supervisor in a regional office. She learned insurance directly from underwriters and claims adjusters from questions and also watching them do their job. Since then, she's earned a number of insurance certifications from the Insurance Institute of America and also a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho. She blogs at Car Insurance Guidebook.

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