Connecticut Car Insurance
Keep yourself protected and opt to purchase more Connecticut car insurance than what is required.
State Regulator Information | 800-203-3447 | |
Insurance Premium | Avg. Annual Premium: $ 1,897 | National Average: $1,318 |
Mandatory Car Insurance Coverage | Bodily Injury Liability:$20k/40k Property Damage Liability: $10k |

Connecticut car insurance is required to prevent you from drowning in an ocean of car accident expenses.
Compared to other states, Connecticut car insurance requirements are a bit low. They aren’t the lowest in the nation, but they still should make you at least consider purchasing more coverage than what is required, so you are protected.
Even with the low coverage requirements, Connecticut isn’t playing around when it mandates insurance coverage. Failing to follow Connecticut car insurance laws will not only get you penalized on the one vehicle you don’t have insured, but any vehicle you try to register.
Why Carry the Required Connecticut Car Insurance?
Liability coverage is required by the states to not only protect other drivers from injuries and damages you may cause, but to protect you financially as well. Without liability insurance to pay for the expenses leading from an accident that you are responsible for, you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket. This can take the rest of your life to payback depending on the payment plan you end up working out with the other person’s insurance company or with the courts.
Required Amount of Connecticut Car Insurance
Connecticut car insurance laws require that you carry no less than 20/40/10 in liability coverage.
Before I started working in the insurance industry I had no idea what 20/40/10 meant, so if you are like me let me explain.
The 20 at the beginning represents $20,000 in liability coverage to cover the injuries of just one person. This person cannot be in your vehicle and is someone that is in the other vehicle you hit or a pedestrian that you hit.
The 40 in the middle represents $40,000 in liability coverage for all of the injuries sustained by parties not in your vehicle.
Lastly, the 10 at the end is for the property damage that you may cause to someone else. It is $10,000 in coverage and can be for anything you hit with your car that does not belong to you.
Tracking Connecticut Car Insurance
The state tracks every Connecticut car insurance policy that is active, as well as when they are cancelled or lapsed. If they get notice that you no longer have insurance on a registered vehicle they will send you a notice that they call a “warning notice”. This notice will give you the chance to get insurance back on your vehicle and pay a $200 fine to avoid further penalties of violating Connecticut car insurance law.
Penalties for No Connecticut Car Insurance
In the event that you decide not to respond to your “warning letter”, you will receive a suspension letter. This is somewhat of a second chance letter before your vehicle registration is suspended. Once suspended though, Connecticut hits you hard and twice.
First, the registration on the vehicle you failed to maintain insurance on will be suspended. Then the state gets serious and blocks you from registering any vehicle at all. This block includes registration renewals on any current vehicles you already have or any new vehicles that need a new registration for.
This registration block even goes in effect for vehicles that you have kept Connecticut car insurance on without lapse.
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